The Allenation Proclamation's Purpose:

Exploring the deep thoughts of one Jon Allen, one crazy opinion at a time!

The Broken Bone Principle

Posted September 1st, 2010 by jallen

I’m just going to put this out there because I will reference it probably in most of the posts that I do from here in the near future.

This Idea comes from experience as well as from studying history. I feel that it applies to anything that you need to fix. But in lieu of the catchy visual aspect it presents, I will call it the “broken bone principle.”

This may sound redundant and trivial, but I hope soon through reading the posts here, you will see there is a reason I am making this idea sound so “No Brainer.”

The Idea is that if you break a bone, it obviously needs to be fixed. If the bone is not fixed it will heal, but very slowly and badly (not to ever be close to what it once was) and in some cases it could even be fatal if not treated. Obviously, we all realize that it needs to be fixed and there are common procedures that take place. Now I realize that this is much more of a process than what I am going to spell out here (that is why Doctors get paid so much) but here goes nothing:

1- After concluding it is broken it needs to be set. (Lots of Pain)
2- Once set it is held into position as not to move the setting (usually a cast).
3- A considerable time is set aside where the cast is left in place so the bone can heal properly
4- After time, the cast is removed and extra work is required to move past the atrophy in the muscles caused by lack of use.

So, down to brass tacks; if you take a good thing and it breaks, it will take work, time, and lots of pain to get it back to what it once was. If you neglect any of those you WILL NOT get back to what it once was.

There you have it, the “Broken Bone Principle.” You can see how this principle applies in your own life with anything that needs fixing, whether it be a room needing cleaning, or a car needing repair or even politics (which is what you will mostly see applied here in future posts). Life is not soccer (everyone doesn’t actually win – at least right away). But if given the right work, time, and lots of pain, it can turn out as good as it ever was, if not dang close.

      Thanks for reading!
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4 Responses to “The Broken Bone Principle”

  1. Aunt Neeny

    As always, very profound and well thought out. I don’t know if it is irony or not, but your grandma fell last Saturday and broke her knee. Weird timing, wouldn’t you say?

  2. jallen

    WOW! That is crazy!

  3. Justin Boyer

    whoa dude. to be honest with you I wish you didnt feel it was necessary to jab at soccer all the time. the thing is those dudes could out perform any baseball player anyday.
    Im interested to hear how you will use this analogy in the next few days or weeks.

  4. jallen

    Justin, if only you were serious about anything you just said, then maybe I would take you seriously…

    Who said anything about baseball anyway. That is like compairing apples to oranges…