The Allenation Proclamation's Purpose:

Exploring the deep thoughts of one Jon Allen, one crazy opinion at a time!

Weezer Memories: Part 2 – Night 1 Blue Album

Posted December 21st, 2010 by jallen

Weezer Live

So I’ve been debating on how to present this in such a way as to convey the pure awesomeness that this show was, I have decided to just list out the set list below with my commentary/review as well as some pictures and video.

Opening Band
To start off there was an opening band which was called “Best Coast” this is a local L.A. band That I guess it getting some rise in the indi scene, but I hadn’t heard of them before hand. They are a power trio with woman vocals and drums and a guy on base (at least I think he was a guy) They had a cool sound, but it was the same sound, the drummer had the same beat and the Guitar was the same strum pattern and although it sounded okay, after the set was done, it sounded like a 45minute song instead of 45 minutes of many different songs.

Now for the Weezer!
For the first half of the show, Pat Wilson (drummer) was out playing guitar and Josh Freese was on Drums. Josh Freese was officially added as the unofficial 5th member of Weezer a few years back and helps with tours.
In between each song rivers was keeping with the “Memories” theme by counting down the years beginning from most Recent to oldest.
Now for the set list:
1. Memories:
This is one that we figured would be the opener given the theme of “Memories.” It was cool to see, but you could tell that the band needed a few measures to get in the flow of the show.
2. (If You’re Wondering If I Want You To) I Want You To (Featuring Jorge Garcia):
This was a cool one, one of my favorites of the newer Weezer stuff. Watch the video (yes, I’m sorry, that is me singing along…)
YouTube Preview Image

this was filmed from my phone, the link at the bottom is a different recording

3. Troublemaker:
This is when Rivers started to do his thing through the crowd, he was going everywhere down on the main lever. Unfortunately we were virtually as far away as you could get… still worth it!
4. Pork and Beans
Rivers was still out in the crowd just doin’ his thing
5. Beverly Hills
Honestly I was hoping they wouldn’t play thins one, but hey we were pretty much in Beverly Hills, so it was tailored to the crowd.
6. Keep fishin’ (Brian Bell Singing)
Brian sang on this song and rivers kind of disappeared, but came back for the next one
7. Photograph
8. Island In The Sun (Featuring Bethany Cosentino of “Best Coast”)
9. Hash Pipe
10. Falling For You

Intermission was an interesting one as Karl, the coolest roadie/tech/historian/web master ever, gave an almost power-point-esk presentation with pictures all from the Blue Album. You can see this in the video below:
YouTube Preview Image
After Karl was done, the weezer awesomeness picked right back up. The band came out all wearing cloths similar to those of the Blue Album era and similar to that of the album cover and everyone (minus Matt sharp – original basest) was playing their familiar roles in the band (Pat back on drums and Josh Freese not not playing drums).

As for the set list here, there really isn’t much to say other than it was awesome! We have a few videos and you can check some of them out here and the links to all the videos we took are below.
11. My Name Is Jonas
YouTube Preview Image

this was filmed from my phone, the link at the bottom is a different recording

12. No One Else
13. The World Has Turned and Left Me Here
14. Buddy Holly
15. Undone – The Sweater Song
16. Surf Wax America
17. Say It Ain’t So
18. In the Garage
19. Holiday
20. Only in Dreams – This one Josh Freese did come out on drums and you could tell that they did not have the feel of the song and they messed up a few different times, but still awesome.

*Thank you to Nicole for all the Videos Below.
Here is a list to the youtube links for all the videos that we took that night:
1. Memories
2. (If You’re Wondering If I Want You To) I Want You To (Featuring Jorge Garcia)
3. Troublemaker
4. Pork and Beans
5. Beverly Hills
6. Keep fishin’ (Brian Bell Singing)
7. Photograph
8. Island In The Sun (Featuring Bethany Cosentino of “Best Coast”)
10. Falling For You
Intermission by Karl
11. My Name Is Jonas
12. No One Else
13. The World Has Turned and Left Me Here
14. Buddy Holly
15. Undone – The Sweater Song
16. Surf Wax America
17. Say It Ain’t So
18. In the Garage
19. Holiday
20. Only in Dreams

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