The Allenation Proclamation's Purpose:

Exploring the deep thoughts of one Jon Allen, one crazy opinion at a time!

Weezer Memories: Part 1 – The Times Between

Posted December 20th, 2010 by jallen

So here it goes, a sub-par effort to document the greatness that was my weekend in L.A. on Thanksgiving weekend. This was in fact so great that I am separating this into 3 parts and this one “The Times Between” will document everything that happened outside of the concerts, which also was a grand time as well…

To start off, I will list those guilty of attending with me. They were my sister Nicole and my friend Travis. Yes just the three of us, and after you read this, you will wish you were there too (Jedi-Mind-Trick hand motion to convince you of this…)

Travis and Nicole

The Guilty party

Day 1
Due to the fact that Thanksgiving was the day before the first show, we had to leave bright and early Friday morning to make sure we got there in time. After picking up Travis and then a quick “hold-your-breath-so-you-don’t-get-infected” stop in Provo to pick up my sis we hit the road, and you can bet we listened to Weezer!

We made our first stop in St. George to fill up the tank and get some grub. None of us had eaten at Five Guys before, so that was the destination, and I must say it is a very tasty place indeed, but In-n-Out will always hold number 1 in my heart.

On a side note, Travis and I were also on the lookout for some “California Girls” during the whole trip. I mean, after listening to Katy Perry’s song, what guy in his right mind wouldn’t want to. Any-who, as far as “California Girls” go, we saw the hottest girls of the trip right there in Five Guys… In Utah… Props to Utah indeed!

Back on the road, we made a few stops (not in Vegas). Some including Zzyzx road, and we also made a quick detour to see the worlds tallest thermometer in Baker – there wasn’t much to it, but for the trip’s sake, we couldn’t say no to a photo opp.

Baker, CA

Worlds Tallest Thermometer!

We made it to our Hotel With plenty of time to spare, got settled down and then off to the Universal Studios for Show Number One.

Day 2
After waking with the great high from the night before, (That is a natural high, mind you… A natural high that is only possible from attending a weezer concert in which they play the blue album in it’s entirety.) we went to get breakfast at, where else but a Denny’s! It’s okay though, we had a window booth so I could see my car out the window – no one was gonna rob me! We decided that we were gonna make the most out of our only full day in the great “endless summer” state of Cali. So we hit up a few places:
The Griffith Observitory up by the Hollywood sign:

Observatory with Travis and Jon

Griffith Observatory

Griffith Observatory

Picture by Nicole

Hollywood Sing from Observatory

Picture by Nicole

The Los Angeles

View of the city

Also, a cute Little Video
(May need time to load)

Then down through Beverly Hills:

Beverly Hills

Picture by Travis

To the L.A. Temple to get our peace for the trip:

L.A. Temple

The Money Shot!

Then off to the Santa Monica Pier to take pictures and make all our Blizzard engulfed Utah friends jealous:

Santa Monica

Picture by Nicole

Santa Monica Beach

Great Day on the Beach

Then we tried but failed to get into Rob Dyrdek’s Fantasy Factory, but at least we found it!
The Fantasy Factory


Then to round off a good trip, a nice little drive right down the heart of L.A. to find a Jamba-Juice in the Korean District…

After a small rest from our labors, we found an all-you-can-eat Sushi joint in North Hollywood for dinner before we went to Show Number Two. You can see the splendor of that meal!

The Philadelphia

So yummy good


Sushi For Life!


Tuna is so good

The Rainbow

Simply Amazing

Day 3
Well there is not much to Day 3 other than it was the longest drive of my life (well, not really, but it seemed that way at least). We got to St. George without a hitch, but about 20 miles north of St. George we hit the blizzard. I don’t think from that point on I got above 55mph and it took almost 11 hours to get from St. George to Logan. Once we got to Salt Lake City it did actually get to be fun though, I could not see the road as it was completely covered with snow, so I just guessed as to where a lane would be and had at it, and it was that way the rest of the way home. I didn’t get back to Logan until 3:00am with work at 8:00am that same morning. Even though it was a long drive and I was dead at work the next day. I would do it again in a “heartbeat!”

Check out the Next “Installment” of the series – “Weezer Memories: Part 2 – Night 1 Blue Album

*All pictures are taken by Me, Nicole, and Travis.

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