The Allenation Proclamation's Purpose:

Exploring the deep thoughts of one Jon Allen, one crazy opinion at a time!

Jon Allen is Published! Wait, What?

Posted September 24th, 2010 by jallen

Thats right, Jon Allen is in fact Published!
Well… at least the closest to being published that I’ve ever been, so I am gonna milk the “published” title as far and as long as I can.

Those who know me, know I don’t like to read. But if I were to read a magazine, that magazine would most likely be the AP magazine (Alternative Press). Check it out here at
Any-who, a while back they “tweeted” this question (I believe that that is the correct verbage, but it just sounds wrong… tweeted…):

“Is Capitalism The Most Democratic Economy?”

So while I was trying to sell tickets to the Cache County Fair and Rodeo (yes that was my summer job), I decided to throw an answer out there to the AP crew.

Being the opinionated conservative that I am, of course I sent them a long-winded 2 paragraph response detailing my “yes” answer to the question. I did this while *cough* working *cough* so I did it quick and didn’t save the full response that I gave them. Sorry to those of you who would have liked to read the full response, honestly I’d like to see it too since I cant even remember what I sent them.

After completely forgetting the whole thing ever happened, I got an email from the editors of the AP mag, and they said that they might print my response in the #267 October issue. Thats cool right?

Well cool enough to get me excited for a few days, but unfortunately I forgot about the whole thing again.
A few weeks later I was at school and a friend of mine came up to me very excited and said “Dude, you are in a magazine!”

“Me, a magazine, really? Which one?”

He proceeded to tell me about finding me in the AP mag that he has a subscription to, with a picture and everything!
Well, that is when the excitement came back and I began to introduce myself as ” Hi I’m Jon Allen, I’m Published.”

Don’t believe me? Here is the picture to prove it!

If you don’t want to read the picture, here is what it says:

“Under capitalism, bands are free to choose how much they want to sell their music, merch and tickets for based off the market value of their art. Everyone is encouraged to be the best they want to. Capitalism is necessary for true freedom of expression”
-Jonathan Allen Logan, UT (published author)

Okay, I added the “published author” part to that, but really, I think the only thing left to say about that is HUZZAH!

So Everybody, go out and get the October issue of the Alternative Press Magazine and check out page 24 to see my pretty mug-shot as well as my start to fame. Just make sure that you carry it around with you, because I will be signing them if you see me around. That way you will be able to show your posterity my “John Hancock” and be able to say “I knew Jon Allen before…” (I’ll let you finish that quote in the comments below)

-Jon Allen, Published Author

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