Archive for the ‘Politics’ category

Well, First off, check out the face book Like button right under the title of this and every other post! Click it Please! Anywho… On to the quote of the day (I may have already done it, but none the less, it is still good): “Be in general virtuous, and you will be happy.” -Benjamin […]

Thats right, Jon Allen is in fact Published! Well… at least the closest to being published that I’ve ever been, so I am gonna milk the “published” title as far and as long as I can. Those who know me, know I don’t like to read. But if I were to read a magazine, that […]

Quote of the Day 9/19/10

September 19th, 2010

Another with themes of the Sabbath… “A proverb in the Old Testament states: ‘He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city’ (Proverbs 16:32). It is when we become angry that we get into trouble. The road rage that affects our […]

Quote of the Day 9/17/10

September 17th, 2010

“We have not proposed a tax hike for the wealthy that would take effect in the middle of a recession… the last thing you want to do is raise taxes in the middle of a recession because that would suck up, and take more demand out of the economy and put businesses in a further […]